The Digital Atlas Project is a freely-available online library for students and teachers around the globe, searching for up-to-date world and regional maps, data, and visualizations for teaching and learning geography.
Help keep the Digital Atlas Project free for everyone: Please make a small donation HERE.
TERRITORIAL ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: Canada is home to more than 600 First Nation, Inuit and Métis communities, which represent more than 50 Nations and 50 Indigenous languages. We recognize and acknowledge the long and lasting traditions and spiritual connections of all Indigenous communities including the Attawandaron, Anishinaabeg and Haudenosaunee who were the first stewards of the land where we work and live, and we commit to active reconciliation by promoting awareness and education.
GeoPHOTO 23-01
Use this photo as a discussion piece:
make geographical observations of the physical and human environments;
be descriptive using geographical terms and concepts;
apply patterns, trends and comparisons;
and discuss impacts on PEEPs: People, the Economy, the Environment, and Politics/Power
Missed a GeoPHOTO? Visit the GeoPHOTO Archive
Check out the Digital Atlas Project's library of curated resources for dozens of
Topics and Themes in Geography
from hundreds of credible sources.
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More on Geohazards can be found on our Geohazards page ➚
Inside the Digital Atlas Project . . .
These political, physical, and demographic maps, videos and visualizations will assist you with classroom work, remote learning, doing homework, completing projects, and preparing lessons. The resources on these pages cover many of the curriculum elements for middle years and high school in Canada and the United States, Key Stages 2 and 3 in England, Wales, and Scotland, as well as GCSE, IGCSE, A level, AP, IB MYP and DP students and teachers around the world.
Become a contributor! Students and teachers pour over thousands of websites, maps, and geography resources every day. If you find a public or creative commons map, diagram, or graphic that would help build a more complete online atlas, then please forward the link to the DigitalAtlasProject Team.