Earth's Energy & Earth's Energy Budget

A Guide to the Energy of Earth
(TED Ed 4:43)

Energy Sources
(FuseSchool 5:21)

Earth's Energy Explained
(NCAR & UCAR 4:25)

Earth's Energy Budget (UCAR)

The World's Energy Problem
(Our World in Data)


Earth's Energy Budget Activity


Global Energy Flows Activity
Great Lakes Bioenergy

Energy Resources and Consumption

Energy Use Per Person Around the World 2020 (Visual Capitalist)

Energy Use per capita, 1965-2019
(Our World in Data)

Change in Energy Consumption, 1965-2019
(Our World in Data)

How the G-20 energy mix has changed over 50+ Years (James Eagle 0:30)

Five Major Types of Renewable Energy, 2021 (Visual Capitalist)

Solar & Wind Power by Country, 2021 (Visual Capitalist)

Resource Watch: Energy
Energy Access; Energy Consumption; Fossil Fuels; Electricity; Renewables;

Fossil Fuels

Fossil Fuels 101
(Student Energy 2:42)

How does Fracking Work?
(TED Ed 6:02)

Largest Coal Reserves
(Visual Capitalist)

Share of Global Oil Reserves
(Visual Capitalist)

Products derived from a
Barrel of Crude Oil
(Visual Capitalist)

Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) 101
(Student Energy 2:23)

Nuclear Energy

Nuclear Energy 101
(Student Energy 2:56)

Nuclear Power in the World Today
(World Nuclear Association)

Nuclear Energy

Advantages and Challenges of Nuclear Energy (

Renewable Energy Resources

Renewable Energy 101
(Student Energy 1:31)

Renewable Energy
(Our World in Data)

Explained: why renewables became so cheap so fast

Cost of Electricity from Renewable Sources
(Visual Capitalist)

Solar & Wind Power by Country, 2021
(Visual Capitalist)

Global Electric Vehicle Sales 2020
(Visual Capitalist)

Hydroelectric Power (HEP)

Hydropower 101
(Student Energy 3:12)

Hydroelectric power: how it works (OntarioPowerGeneration)

What's behind the dispute over Africa's largest dam project?
(AlJazeera 25:20)

Three Gorges Dam, China: Building the world's largest (and most controversial) power plant (TED-Ed 5:37)

Solar Power & Photovoltaics

Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Energy 101
(Student Energy 1:50)

Solar Thermal Energy 101
(Student Energy 2:47)

Solar Power by Country, 2021
(Visual Capitalist)

Solar Energy is Consumed Per Capita (1965-2019)
Visual Capitalist -

Solar Energy Costs Keep Dropping (Visual Capitalist)

Solar is now cheapest electricity in history, confirms IEA (CarbonBrief)

Solar & Wind Power by Country, 2021 (Visual Capitalist)

Wind Power & Wind Turbines

Wind Power 101
(Student Energy 1:46)

How do Wind Turbines work?
(TED Ed 5:03)

Solar & Wind Power by Country, 2021 (Visual Capitalist)

Geothermal Energy

Geothermal Energy 101
(Student Energy 2:08)

Top Geothermal Countries, 2020 (ThinkGeoEnergy)

Global Geothermal Hot Spots
(Energy Education)

Iceland's Secret Power: Geothermal (TED Ed 5:21)

Tidal Energy

Tidal Power 101
(Student Energy 2:14)