Earth's Energy & Earth's Energy Budget
Energy Resources and Consumption
Fossil Fuels
Fossil Fuels 101
(Student Energy 2:42)
How does Fracking Work?
(TED Ed 6:02)
Nuclear Energy
Renewable Energy Resources
Hydroelectric Power (HEP)
Hydropower 101
(Student Energy 3:12)
Hydroelectric power: how it works (OntarioPowerGeneration)
What's behind the dispute over Africa's largest dam project?
(AlJazeera 25:20)
Three Gorges Dam, China: Building the world's largest (and most controversial) power plant (TED-Ed 5:37)
Solar Power & Photovoltaics
Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Energy 101
(Student Energy 1:50)
Solar Thermal Energy 101
(Student Energy 2:47)
Solar Energy is Consumed Per Capita (1965-2019)
Visual Capitalist - OWID
Solar is now cheapest electricity in history, confirms IEA (CarbonBrief)
Wind Power & Wind Turbines
Geothermal Energy
Tidal Energy
Tidal Power 101
(Student Energy 2:14)