Canada: Physical Interactions

Supporting provincial and territorial geography and social studies courses and home schooling from coast to coast to coast, including CGC-1D in Ontario

Interactive gSlide set with maps of Landforms, Climate, Vegetation, Permafrost, Ecozones AND Climate Graphs from across Canada.

Canada - Physical
JPG    |    PDF

Canada: Relief Map  (1.6mb)
(Wiki - more sizes)

Online Interactive gSlide set  of maps, climate graphs and a profile across Canada

Online Topographic Maps of Canada
matched with Google Earth links
to build your map-reading skills

Formation of North America
Video 1:24


Exploring Landforms in Canada using ArcGIS Online
(ESRI Canada)


Canada's Natural Regions
ArcGIS Online Tutorial
ZIP file

Landform Regions

→ go to Photos 

→ go to Topographic Maps 

 → go to Physical Interactions Slides

Landform Regions

Physiographic Regions

Physiographic Regions (Canadian Encyclopaedia)

Climate Regions

Climate Regions

Climate - Köppen

Plant Hardiness Zones
(PDF  |  JPG  |  Website)

Climate Influences – LOWERN

LOWERN = Latitude, Ocean Currents, Winds & Air Masses, Elevation, Relief, Nearness to Water

7 videos describing the six factors that affect climate (TDSB)

What factors affect temperature?
(Geographer Online 6:54)

Interactive Climate Graphs - Canada
gSlides: Begin at Slide 14


LOWERN gDoc Worksheet
(+ gSlides)

Ocean Currents

Air Masses
Wiki:  Air Masses

Air Masses over North America

Jet Streams
and their effect on weather
The Weather Network - 1:23

Canada's Jet Stream

Elevation and Temperature
Adiabatic Warming/Cooling

Relief / Orographic Precipitation and Rainshadow

Relief / Orographic Precipitation and Rainshadow

Relief / Orographic Precipitation and Rainshadow

Nearness to Water
Comparison Climate Graph

Natural Vegetation

Natural Vegetation Regions

Forest Regions

Elevation: Alpine Vegetation

GeoHazards: Earthquakes, Climate, and Weather Hazards

Canadian Disaster Database
Public Safety Canada

Public Weather Alerts

Current Hurricane Tracks

Most Recent Earthquakes

Preparing a Family Emergency Kit
GetPrepared,ca - (3:00


Natural Events ArcGIS Online Activity
(zip file with instructional docs)

 Current Hurricane Tracks

Historical Hurricane Storm Tracks (CanadianGeographic)

When Hurricanes Track through Canada (CBC)


Earthquakes Canada - Most Recent EQ

Digital Atlas Project

Past Year of Earthquakes

Simplified Seismic Hazards Map

Historical Earthquakes

ArcGIS Earthquakes Map

Mapping Canada's Biggest Earthquakes
Canadian Geographic

‘Inevitable’ 9.0 earthquake, tsunami will hit Canada’s West Coast
GlobalNews article

How Canada is preparing for the next big earthquake
Canadian Geographic article


ArcGIS Online
Earthquakes Tutorial - PDF


ArcGIS Online
Exploreing Natural Events Tutorial - ZIP file


Divergent,Convergent and Transform Plates
ArcGIS Online StoryMap Tutorial

Recent Tornadoes, by Year
(U Western Ontario)

Tornadoes 1980-2009
(Provincial Maps)

Tornadoes in Southern Ontario

11 of Canada’s worst tornado events over the years (TheStar)

List of 21st-century Canadian tornadoes and tornado outbreaks (Wiki)

Tornado Information (Canadian Red Cross)


Volcanoes in Canada

Volcanoes in Canada (USask)

Volcanism of Canada (Wiki)

National Parks & Ecozones

National Parks
(High Res 6.1mb)

Ecological Land Classification

Terrestrial Ecozones
of Canada Descriptions (Dated, but still accurate)

Drainage Basins
JPG  |  PDF      HiRes: JPG  |  PDF

Longest Rivers

Canada: River Basins
(Decolonial Atlas)

Formation of Canada and North America

Cretaceous Q & A: Why are there so many dinosaur fossils in Alberta? (Royal Tyrrell Museum 2:1()

Where terranes collide
The Geology of Western Canada (Geology: 25min)

An oldie, but very complete explanations

Appalachian Highlands

Formation of the Appalachian Mountains 480mya to 270mya (EARTH Magazine)

Formation of the Appalachian Mountains with captions ( Living Earth)

Western Cordillera

Formation of the Rocky Mountains

How the Rocky Mountains Formed

Formation of British Columbia
QMI - 3:29

Terrane Accretion on BC and Yukon
OpenText-BC - Western Canada during the Mesozoic

Formation of the Rocky Mountains
OpenText-BC - Western Canada during the Mesozoic

Juan de Fuca Plate
off Vancouver, BC, Canada and the Pacific NW, USA

Deglaciation of North America