Photos from
Arctic Canada

Supporting provincial and territorial geography and social studies courses and home schooling from coast to coast to coast, including CGC-1D and CGC-1P

Appalachian Highlands

Great Lakes – St. Lawrence Lowlands

Canadian Shield

Prairies / Interior Plains

Western Cordillera

Arctic Canada

All photographs are copyrighted by their respective photographer. They are available under "Fair Use" guidelines for the sole purpose of education in a classroom or home setting.
Please use appropriate attributions and citations.

Pangnirtung, Nunavut

Mt. Thor, Baffin Island

Arctic Tundra, Nunavut (©Wikimedia)

Inuit Community

Kaskawulsh Glacier, Kluane National Park, YT

Tuktoyaktuk, Northwest Territories

Barren Ground Caribou, Nunavut

As you can see, this is the smallest collection of photographs. If you have photographs of Canada's Arctic, please consider submitting them to the DigitalAtlasProject for inclusion on this page (1200px long edge). The same "Fair Use" guidelines would apply with an appropriate attribution and citation request as indicated above.

Appalachian Highlands

Great Lakes – St. Lawrence Lowlands

Canadian Shield

Prairies / Interior Plains

Western Cordillera