What is Weather?
What's the difference between weather and climate?
(NASA Climate Kids 2:01)
Global Circulation Patterns
Part 1: Differential Heating (2:51)
Part 2: The 3 Cells (3:35)
Part 3: The Coriolis Effect (6:51)
How are weather forecasts made?
What are air masses? (MetOffice 4:36 1:40)
Weather and Air Pressure (MetOffice)
Weather Fronts (MetOffice 4:03))
What causes wind to blow? (MetOffice 1:59)
How do clouds form?
(MetOffice 1:27)
What is the jet stream? (MetOffice 5:25)
Hurricanes, Typhoons, Tropical Cyclones and Willy-Willies
Anatomy of a Hurricane
(COM Library)
Historical Tropical Cyclone Tracks (NASA-EO)
How do Hurricanes form? (NOAA SciJinks: 2:22)
Formation of a Tropical Cyclone (3:41)
Inside Hurricane Maria
(NASA Goddard 5:08)
Hurricane, Tornado, Cyclone – What’s the Difference? (Bright Side: 10:01)
Tornadoes 101
(Nat Geo: 5:31)
Why the US has so many tornadoes (VOX: 5:50)
Tornados: North America (ResearchGate)
Tornadoes in Canada (ResearchGate)
Aqueduct Water Stress Atlas
also Country Rankings (WRI)
Understanding Drought
(BOM: 2:16)
Rethinking Drought
Lake Effect Snow
Lake Effect Snow is a highly regional and temporal phenomenon. Snow squalls from the Great Lakes can add 10s of centimetres of snow to a forecast and can be very dangerous to drivers.
(Image Hunter College via NOAA-GLISA)
Weather: Lake Effect Snow (AOPA)
Lake Effect Snow - 14 Dec 2016 (NOAA)
Lake Effect Snow Animation
(The Vane)
Lake Effect Snow Animation (NOAA-GLERL)
Lake Effect Snow - Souther Ontario (Instant Weather)
Ice Storms
Ice Storms are infrequent but very damaging and dangerous events where falling rain freezes as ice on power lines, trees, cars, homes, sidewalks, roads and highways.
The Science Behind Ice Storms (The Weather Channel: 3:21)