
Cartography is the fine art of map-making. It's where the beauty of art, the eye of graphic design and the exploration of geography all come together. Most maps are fairly clinical, but they still require knowledge of colour and design to make them presentable. And now, we have computer-generated maps and GIS to analyze the data on maps.

Atlas Obscura: North America in Pencil Crayon

The First Geographer: Ptolomy and his amazing accuracy
(Pearson-BBC: 5:33)

What is a map? and How do Cartographers use symbols

8 Stunning Maps That Changed Cartography

"If It Says So" from Winnie the Pooh
The importance of Maps explained in a fun way! (2:26)

The Power of Maps
ESRI Interactive Tutorial

Mapping Standards

Standards for Mapping, Graphing & Annotating

Activity: World Regions Map

Instructions | 11x17" Map JPG PDFMore printable world maps from

Axis Maps: A short, friendly guide to Cartography

Create downloadable high-res
World, Region & Country maps
directly or by using spreadsheetsTutorials | Excel

Open Street Map

Google: My Maps

Google My Maps
Tutorial (15:00)

National Geographic Mapmaker Interactive

Google Earth Tutorial
Intro to Creation Tools (2:06)

Create your own maps and stories in Google Earth

Google Earth Timelapse
How to | gEarth-Ed

Census Mapper
for Statistics Canada Census Data

Create your own Interactive maps

Story Map

Citizen Mapping Projects

Citizen Mapping to assist with Humanitarian efforts
(US State Dept)

Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team: Mapping the missing millions

Cartography Stories

Bruce Trail Conservancy magazine article about mapping and cartography (PDF)