Impacts & Consequences of Climate Change
Warming Projections - Climate Action Tracker
Overview of Impacts and Consequences
Shrinking Glaciers and Ice Caps
Why the Arctic is climate change's canary in the coal mine
TED-Ed • 4min
Global Rise in Sea Level
Climate Central Global Mapping of Sea Level Rise
Coastal Flooding Hotspots
The Sinking Islands Being Destroyed by Climate Change
AJ+ Docs 14min
Melting Permafrost
Ocean acidification
Note: Ocean acidification is not a result of climate change. Rather, it is due to the greater amounts of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere from human activities. That additional carbon dioxide is being absorbed by oceans causing increased acidity.
Coral Reefs
Frequency and Severity of Extreme Weather Events: Tropical Storms, Drought and Flooding
Spatial changes in Biomes, Habitats and Wildlife
Canada's boreal forest is transforming due to climate change
CBC News • 4min
Flowers Bloom Early Confusing Bees
- Effects of Climate Change on Flowers, Bees & Possibly You
HEC Science & Tech • 4:22
Spatial Changes to Agriculture
Human Health Hazards
Economic Impacts
Average Annual Losses (AAL) vs GDP
for 20 most-at-risk Cities
Article • ResearchGate)
Tuvalu: Sea Level Rise in the Pacific, Loss of Land and Culture
UN • 2:11