What is Globalization?
Globalization, or globalisation, is the process of interaction and integration among people, companies, and governments worldwide. (Wiki)
What is Globalization? (2:17)
World101: What is Globalization? (3:14)
Globalisation post-Pandemic: from slowdown to stasis? (UBS FT 2:51)
World Systems Theory, , Dependency Theory and Global Inequality (Then&Now: 14:22)
Globalization: How new transport and communication technology led to globalization
(Geography Lesson 2:39)
World Systems Theory
Core and Periphery Countries (Wiki)
World101: What is the Liberal World Order? (7:55)
from the Council on Foreign RelationsWorld Trade Triad (also: Wiki)
Top 10 Strongest National Brands, 2020
The Life Cycle of a Cup of Coffee (TED-Ed 5:04)
The World Economy
GNI per capita (PPP)
GDP per capita
The Global Economy
Excellent, up-to-date Data
Economic Growth
Trade and Globalization
World Trade
World Trade Organization - What is the WTO? | Wiki)
International Organizations and Groups of Countries
What is the G7?
(SkyNews 3:22)
What is the G20?
(WION 3:30)
What's the "Bretton Woods System"? IMF, World Bank and WTO
(CSIS 2:00)
BRIC countries
(Geography Lessons 4:46)
Transportation & Communication
How it looks Inside a Container Ship (7min)
Touring a Modern-day Cargo Ship (24min)
Secrets Of The Marie Maersk Container Ship (Richard Hammond 9:44))
Costs and Effects of Globalization
VOX: China's trillion dollar plan to dominate global trade (5:58)
The Life Cycle of a Cup of Coffee (TED-Ed 5:04)
TNCs or MNCs – Transnational and Multinational Corporations
World's Top 100 Economic Entities, 2017
(GlobalJusticeNow-gSheet Data)
Ethical Trade
Tipping the balance (What is Fair Trade?)
(FairTrade Foundation 5:13)
What is FairTrade?
(FairTrade Canada)