Most recent Geo-Hazards:

NOAA GeoHazards Map of Tsunamis, Earthquakes and Volcanoes 

– Smithsonian –

– ArcGIS –



Turkey-Syria Earthquake Explained
DownToEarth 3min

Turkey earthquake fault lines mapped from space
BBC News article

Turkey earthquake: Where did it hit and why was it so deadly?
BBC News article

How these buildings made Turkey-Syria’s earthquake so deadly
VOX 6:15

Global Geophysical Hazards

Natural Disasters by Death Toll (Wiki)

World Map of Natural Hazards (MunichRE)

Global Multi-hazard Risk - Economic Losses

World at Risk
(USGS ArcGIS StoryMap)

VOX:" Why there's a ring of disasters around the Pacific (6:34)


USGS Latest World Earthquakes

World Earthquakes by Size and Depth (ISC)

Global Earthquake Hazard Map (GFZ-Potsdam)

IRIS Earthquake Browser

Tectonic Plates and Earthquakes (2:06)

NatGeo: Earthquakes 101 (5:02)

Why do we have Earthquakes?
British Geological Survey

What to do when an Earthquake strikes? (IRIS: 3:04)

What causes earthquakes?
British Geological Survey

How are earthquakes detected, located and measured?
British Geological Survey

MinuteEarth: Why are Earthquakes so hard to predict? (3:47)

Sumatra - A tale of two earthquakes (IRIS: 4:37)

Seismic Wave Generator Online Interactive Visualization (IRIS)

Seismic Wave Interactive Visualization (IRIS)

Go to IRIS EQ Browser, select a region then click on 3D View 3D Browser

P and S Seismic waves passing through Earth

Types of Seismic Waves: Deep S and P waves and Shallow Love and Rayleigh waves (ResearchGate

Seismology and Seismic Waves
Michigan Tech

Animation of Seismic waves generated by an earthquake at the Denali Fault

Alan Jones

NOAA GeoHazards Map of Tsunamis, Earthquakes and Volcanoes 

At first, it shows everything. But use the Search buttons to restrict by date and severity.

Natural Hazards Image Database (NOAA)

4 Station Seismic System: P, S and Surface Waves (IRIS 1:31)

Comparison of HIC-LIC Earthquakes: Japan and Haiti
ArcGIS StoryMap


TEDEd: How Tsunamis work  (3:36)

NatGeo: Tsunami 101 (2:42)

Megadisaster: 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami

2011 Japan tsunami Footage (6:34)  |  CCTV Footage (1:53)  |  CNN Footage (18:12)

Animation of Earthquake and Tsunami in Sumatra
(TectonicsObservatory: 0:48)

Earthquakes in Central America - Excellent tie in with Tsunamis (IRIS 9:27)

Earthquakes and Tectonics of South America (IRIS 8:49)

Tsunami Forecast Model Animation: Sumatra 2004 (Pacific TWC: 1:26)

2004 Indonesian Tsunami (NOAA 0:39)

Tsunami Forecast Model Animation: Japan 2011 (Pacific TWC)

Tsunami Warning Centres (UNDRR)


Global Volcanism Current Eruptions

Wiki: Volcanos

Why do we have Volcanoes?
(and Types of Volcanoes)
British Geological Survey

All About volcanoes (FreeSchool: 6:35)

NatGeo: Volcanoes 101 (4:58) Volcanic Hazards

Anak Krakatau: Before, during and after its 2020 eruption

Volcanic Eruption, Geldingadalir,

Iceland Grapevine Newscast #86 - at the volcano

Fagradalsfjall volcano from Volcano Discovery

New volcano in Iceland - Summary of recent eruptions
Geology Hub 4>28

Super-volcanoes (under development)

NatGeo: Supervolcanoes 101 (3:40)