Photos from the
Canadian Shield

Supporting provincial and territorial geography and social studies courses and home schooling from coast to coast to coast, including CGC-1D and CGC-1P

Appalachian Highlands

Great Lakes – St. Lawrence Lowlands

Prairies / Interior Plains

Western Cordillera

Arctic Canada

Canadian Shield

All photographs are © copyright Terry A. McDonald - and are made available under "Fair Use" guidelines for the sole purpose of education in a classroom or home setting.
Please use appropriate attributions and citations.

Boreal Forest and Headlands, Pukaskwa National Park, Ontario

Rocky Headlands, Lake Superior Provincial Park, Ontario

Irregular Hills, Boreal Forest, River and Wetlands of the Canadian Shield, Lake Superior, Ontario

Bull Moose, Algonquin Provincial Park, Ontario

Mixed Forest, Algonquin Provincial Park, Ontario

Forested  Hills, Canadian Shield, Algonquin Provincial Park, Ontario

1.5 billion-year-old pink granite headland of the Grenville Front with 3 billion-year-old white quartzite of the La Cloche Range, Killarney Provincial Park, Ontario

A.Y. Jackson Lake, Forest and La Cloche Range, Killarney Provincial Park, Ontario

Canoeing, Lake Superior Provincial Park, Ontario

Boreal Forest Clearcut near Sudbury, Canadian Shield, Ontario

Underground Mine Shaft, Sudbury, Ontario

Smoke Stacks from Smelters, Sudbury, Ontario

Irregularly -shaped hills of the Canadian Shield, Algonquin Provincial Park, Ontario

Bark Lake, Ontario in the Mixed Forest Region

Rocky Headland, Old Woman Bay, Lake Superior, Ontario

Metamorphosed Rock, Bark Lake, Ontario

Bog, Canadian Shield, Ontario

Boreal Wetland, Canadian Shield, Ontario

Boreal Forest, Algonquin Provincial Park, Ontario

Cow Moose, Algonquin Provincial Park, Ontario

Diabase Dyke, Lake Superior Coast, Ontario

Eroded and polished granite ridge with white quartz intrusions, Killarney Provincial Park, Ontario

Glacial Scour Marks and Erosion, Canadian Shield, Ontario

Sub-glacial "Chatter" marks in rock, Canadian Shield, Ontario

Metamorphic Rock,  Georgian Bay, The Massassauga Provincial Park, Ontario

Twisted and convoluted metamorphic rock, Georgian Bay, The Massassauga Provincial Park, Ontario

Appalachian Highlands

Great Lakes – St. Lawrence Lowlands

Prairies / Interior Plains

Western Cordillera

Arctic Canada